Looking for an interactive activity?

Create an Escape Room Course


Nursing education needs innovative instructors (that’s you!) to bring clinical judgment to the classroom.

This course will take you step-by-step through creating an escape room for your specific content without being overwhelmed.

Escape room course for nursing students

You are feeling a bit overwhelmed, but love the idea of creating an escape room …

🕵🏽‍♀️Looking for ideas to make case studies interactive?
🔎Searching for puzzles to “fit” your content
🤯Feel frustrated and overwhelmed trying to figure it out yourself

It’s time to build that interactive classroom activity.


What if you could implement an escape room tailored to your content before the next semester starts?

Escape room course graphic for nursing students

Create an Escape Room Course

There is no need for months of brainstorming and puzzle development. You will learn how to create an escape room specific to your content area and have it ready to implement before the next term starts.


Want to know what you will learn?

Escape room course transform nursing students

By the end of this course you will have:

  • A complete active learning activity built on your learning objectives

  • Developed creative puzzles that will engage your students with the content

  • A plan for wrapping up the experience with debriefing and reflection

The Create an Escape Room Course gives you the framework to develop your own escape room and build an engaging classroom activity


Escape room course testimonial for nursing students

Martha has an OUTSTANDING Escape Room Course. I’ve read about 30 articles and visited numerous websites to build an escape room … but, Martha’s course overall was the most organized and informative I’ve seen. Worth every penny!

- Maryanne

Escape room course testimonial for nursing student

I LOVED your Escape Room Course. By far, the most helpful thing I’ve come across in my 100’s of hours of searching and agonizing 😊

- Jane


What’s inside:

Escape room course for nursing student product module 1

Module 1

Write the learning objectives

Have clear goals for what you want your students to learn.

Escape room course for nursing student product module 5

Module 5

Build necessary props

Offer students a variety of puzzles that are cost-effective.

Escape room course for nursing student product module 2

Module 2

Develop an interesting storyline

Write a creative storyline that keeps students interested.

Escape room course for nursing student product module 6

Module 6

Make a plan to reset the room

Fill in a template to quickly turn the room around between groups.

Escape room course for nursing student product module 3

Module 3

Sketch out a roadmap

Use a system to plan your activity based on your learning objectives.

Escape room course for nursing student product module 7

Module 7

Complete a practice run

Use the checklist to help you work out kinks.

Escape room course for nursing student product module 4

Module 4

Build creative puzzles

30+ puzzle ideas that connect directly to nursing content.

Escape room course for nursing student product module 8

Module 8

Prepare a debriefing session

Have an end-of-escape session ready to encourage reflection.

Imagine your classroom or clinical post-conference …

Before Escape room course for nursing student

❌ Feeling overwhelmed with the scale of the project and unsure of where to start

❌ Unsure of how to connect puzzles to the nursing content that you teach

❌ Using all your energy to deliver a lecture only to have students bored and disengaged

After Escape room course for nursing student

✅ Having an escape room activity ready to go and knowing that can be used every semester

✅Confidently observing and evaluating your students making clinical decisions

✅Students who engaged with the content, applying theory to patient scenarios and using teamwork and collaboration.


 READY TO Get started with the course?

Create Escape room course for nursing student guide

Create an Escape Room Course

+ Immediate, lifetime access to the course. Including course workbook and video modules.

+ 46-page workbook with content, templates, and frameworks for taking your own notes

+ Each module contains a video lesson and a short, actionable assignment.

+ The PUZZLE IDEA BOOK gives a huge list of puzzles that can easily be modified to fit the content that you teach.

Escape room course for nursing students FAQ

Frequently Asked Questions


1. When can I access the course?

Anytime! You will get immediate, lifetime access to the course including the workbook and video modules. If you want to start building today, you can! On the other hand, if you need to put the finishing touches on your syllabus first, you can start when that is complete.

2. What’s in the course workbook?

So much awesome stuff! There are seven modules, each with a short assignment to complete and a video lesson.

  • The PUZZLE IDEA BOOK has 30+ puzzles that you can mold to your content.

  • A QUICK START GUIDE to get lots of students through the activity with minimal time spent on resetting between groups.

  • A DEBRIEF OUTLINE gives you the structure to manage this crucial task after completing the escape room.

  • The TEST RUN CHECKLIST ensures that you find any sticky points, and that it runs through the first time smoothly.

  • Impressive templates you can use right away, including learning objectives, planning out the structure, graphic puzzles, and success certificates.

3. Do you have a refund policy?

Due to the digital nature of this product, there will be no refunds after purchase.


4. What if I’m super busy? The semester is starting soon, and I already feel behind.

I feel you - but you won’t need hours to implement this activity. The framework is designed for easy implementation. So even if you only have a few hours between courses, you can do this!

5. What if all my classes are online? Can I create a virtual escape room?

This course and workbook are desgined to create a physical escape room - in either a classroom or simulation lab. I offer a video workshop on creating virtual escape rooms HERE.

6. what if I have zero active learning experience?

No worries! Building an escape room is an excellent first step in the active learning journey because it is so much fun! You will immediately see the effects and be inspired to continue to create interactive classroom activities.

7. All of this for $39? Are you sure?!?

Yes! My goal was to make this an easy decision because nursing education needs this NOW.
I want inspired and innovative instructors (that’s you!) to have this tool to improve our student’s clinical judgment, think critically and ultimately be stronger RNs.

Could I pull an escape room together on my own?

You could, but I am giving you a specific strategy. This course will give you a clear path to developing an escape room with useful puzzles in nursing education - things like priority setting, abnormal assessments, and patient teaching that are not found in most escape room websites or articles. And I’ve packaged it up in an easy-to-use format so you can have the activity ready by next semester.

 Ready to purchase?